Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Life is Weird

Cosmo went to the groomers for the first time yesterday! His toenails were tearing up GiGi's couch. He did a pretty good job and only whined a few times. Cosmo even let her grind them with the tool thing and didn't even whine too much. 

Today, Cosmo and I were playing outside and he started getting rough. I tried to make him sit and lay down, as I always do when he's getting too rough. He leaped up and bit my ear very hard. It bled like a mofo and I actually cried. I don't know what to do, or who to talk to about his aggression. He bit Caitlin yesterday too and it bruised very badly. I'm getting a little concerned. My ear hurts.

We went for a long walk in the hopes that it would tire him out. Didn't seem to work, however because he's on the floor squeaking his toy fox.

I am struggling again. 

Sunday, June 21, 2015


This weekend was Cosmo's first ever camping trip! He did so well. We went as a family (mom, Caitlin, Claire, and Victoire) to Roubaix Lake near Deadwood, our favorite place to camp. Cosmo has never seen a lake before. He was a little apprehensive at first but when I put him in, he seemed to enjoy it! He swam around a little and then got out. He got back in later that day. I think he liked how cold it was and how much it cooled him off. It makes him look so much skinnier when he's wet. It made his head look enormous.
Cosmo went to into our new kayak with me a few times as well. He was not bothered by it at all. It was just like the car, he went right to sleep. We paddled all around the lake and only woke up when I caught a turtle and jostled the boat. Then Cosmo met his first turtle.
There were many new puppies at the lake. There was a golden lab, the same age as Cosmo and a corgi puppy that was a week younger. They all got along really well and that makes me happy. It's good for him to get socialized with other dogs, especially ones his age. He does a great job with other dogs.
Cosmo and Remy, our next door neighbor
Cosmo also experienced his first campfire. He slept next to it several times, at a safe distance, of course.
Cosmo slept in his first tent this weekend and handled it very well. I brought his bed and his pillow and his blanket but he only wanted to sleep in my backpack. I guess it was more comfortable than all the stuff I brought him. The second night he slept on mom's cot. I woke up to him licking my face both mornings. Cosmo did not have an accident in the tent at all! He did a really good job.
Victoire does such a good job with Cosmo. He loves her very much! She calls him Prince Cosmo and Baby Dog.
Despite being in the outdoors a lot, Cosmo has no ticks, thank goodness! Greg found one on Ruby, his dog, that is huge!
Cosmo has pretty much done nothing but sleep all day. He is exhausted! We ran him hard. He played fetch, he ran on the beach, we went on a post rain walk, we chased tons of dogs, we hunted dogs. It was a great weekend. I wish that Nick could have been there to see all of these big firsts for Cosmo, but hopefully he can come next time.
Just 'cause he's cute

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

3 Months Young

Today, our Cosmo turns three months old!! And as a surprise gift to us, he finally put his ears up! 

He had a fairly uneventful day besides that so that's all for now! 

Monday, June 15, 2015

Weekend Roadtrip

I'm sorry that it has been so long since I've updated! I try to write everyday but sometimes life gets in the way!

Cosmo is doing well. THIRTEEN WEEKS OLD. He is currently teething and is kind of a monster, however. He chews EVERYTHING, he gets randomly aggressive and biting has increased. It is frustrating but we will get through it!

The family, (sans Caitlin), Cosmo, and I went to Boulder, CO for a soccer tournament. Cosmo did SO WELL. Minus a few accidents on the hotel room floor, he was pretty perfect. It was the first time in a hotel room and in an elevator. I could tell he didn't love the elevator, but he put up with it. We went to a street fair in downtown Louisville, (near Boulder). I carried him most of the time, because there were so many people around. He let everyone pet him with minimal nipping, he was calm, even when I'm sure it was stressful on him. At the actual games of the tournament, dogs were not allowed on the field. Needless to say, we broke that rule. Sorry Boulder soccer complex, he's 13 weeks old, and not staying in the hotel alone. He did SUCH a good job. He was mostly silent while we sneaked him in, and was quiet and sweet through every single game. Cosmo only barked when the soccer parents erupted in cheers, so really he was probably cheering his auntie Claire on. People commented on his politeness every day and it was great. We made a sunshade for him with his blanket and our chairs. We gave him plenty of water and I think he ended up having fun. Of course during the drive, he did very well. Until the end, that is.

His aggression levels have been going up and I believe it's because of his teething. I feel bad for him and I need to be more patient. I have been struggling with that and I feel bad. Teething is a rough phase for us both and all my research says is that we are both likely to become frustrated. I just have to remember that he is a good dog and I am a good puppy mom. We can make it through this together.

I can tell he misses Nick. He sleeps on his hoodie and gets excited when I say "Nick" or "daddy". I miss him too.

Tomorrow he is three months old. I can't quite wrap my head around that.

Monday, June 8, 2015

My 12 Week Old

Cosmo J is twelve weeks old today! (Accidental rhyming is fun)  I cannot believe that. That means he is getting so close to 3 months! I googled it. He is the greatest little ball of energy that ever lived. I can't believe how much I love him.

His biting has improved so much! I am glad.

His house breaking progress has slowed a bit. He has a poop corner and he frequents it, unfortunately. He's so sneaky that I don't see it for a while so I can't stop him or scold him, it's a shame. We will continue to work tirelessly on it until he ONLY poops outside.

He is huge. I can't take it. I hate being away from him all day!

I think Cosmo's ears might actually come up yet. I refuse to give up! I've started giving him cottage cheese again to boost his calcium levels during teething. I think it's working! They look more up to me already even though I just resumed his cottage cheese diet a few days ago!

Playing fetch has become one of Cosmo and I's favorite games. We can play for an hour straight and have so much fun! We also love hide-and-seek. I throw a toy and run and he brings it to the spot I ran from and then comes to find me. When he sees me, he sits down and cocks his head and IT IS SO SO CUTE! Sometimes, if it's dark, it takes him a while and he sniffs and sniffs. Cosmo and I do that for hours too. It wears us both out a lot.

When we fall asleep, he is on my pillow. He sleeps on my pillow, right next to my head and snores very quietly. it's so sweeet. Yes, I'm in love with him. Sorry, not sorry!

So, everything is going really well. Believe or not, my patience level has gone up. I'm getting so much better about just loving him, and accepting that he is a puppy and mistakes happen. Yay for us.

As a bonus: Here's a collage of the weird ways my dog sleeps. Some of them.
The way my weirdo sleeps!

Double bonus: Sassy side-eye giving Cosmo 

Friday, June 5, 2015

Soccer Gaming

My little sister, Claire- the dog watcher- plays soccer. A lot. Today Cosmo went to his first, of what I expect to be many, soccer game. He did very well. He was calm and didn't bark at the ball, as our late dog Tasha normally did. I was a little nervous when I saw other dogs, but as usual, Cosmo barely acknowledged their existence. There were a few kids, and he did very well with them. He even let them give him a few runs on the leash, even though he did glance at me like he was being abandoned. I'm glad they wore him out, sort of. He seems to have an endless supply of energy I would like to tap in to. The kids adored him (who wouldn't) and he played with them really well. I'm glad he's getting more socialization with kids, I want him to be comfortable with them, as well as other adults. I like that we are on the right track with that.

We are trying to work on his coming when being called thing. I have started carrying treats around in my pocket and when he come when I call, he gets one. It seems to have improved today. Yum, linty treats! I really want a dog that WANTS to come when I call. Hopefully I'm on the right track with this too.

We worked on all his tricks today, primarily roll-over. Cosmo has started to roll-over without treats and I'm so impressed and happy. He did it at the soccer game in front of everyone, even when he was wound up.

I bought some cottage cheese today and hopefully his ears will come up.

I think he may be my soul-mate. :)

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Sorry 'Bout It

I'm sorry that it has been so long since I've posted! I've started working about 40 hours a week and then I sleep. I love my job!

Cosmo turned 11 weeks on Monday and I can't believe that. He is so big, I really wish he'd stop now.

He is doing so much better with the potty thing! I am so proud of his progress in that department!

The humping thing is still disgusting! I hate it, but I guess it's normal.

The biting is still a big problem, and nothing is working. I've tried yelping and everything I've read about and so far, not a whole lot of progress on that front. We will keep persevering, and hopefully in a little while, it will stop.

We has improved on roll-over so much. Sometimes when we take out the treats, he just lays down and does it. I wish I could post videos on here, because he does it so goofy and cute. I love it!

Cosmo is also struggling with coming when he's called. I am working on that more now, but it can be really annoying! When I call him, he should be right there. We will get there, but it may take a while!

Nick's family FINALLY met Cosmo last night! They loved him (duh) and I'm so glad. Even his grandpa, who never visits, got to meet him. He was such a good boy. No potty accidents on their carpet, thank god, because it's brand new and very important. He played with Nick's dad for a while, and then passed out, as usual. He loved his Grandma Genzlinger :P. I just wish Cosmo could have met Sara, Nick's AMAZING golden retriever. Unfortunately, she was in surgery to have a pus pocket in her uterus. She made it out of it, and shes's okay, thank goodness. It is so important to spay and neuter your dogs and cats! This would not have happened if Sara had been fixed at 16 weeks old. It seems much better for you and the dog to get it done sooner, rather than later! (Sorry, small PSA.)

I need to work on my patience. I feel like sometimes I get frustrated at him, mostly at the potty thing. I hate waking up to let him out, but I have to remember that I signed up for this. He's a baby, I need to just take a step back when it happens and be a good mom to him, instead of being sad. Frustration won't help anyone! Cosmo truly is a good boy and he's still just a puppy!

Maybe his ears will come up soon. MAYBE.