He has only had two accidents in the house and they were both small and easy to clean up.
Cosmo did so well in the car all the way home. He did not pee or throw up or anything like that! He only peed when we took him outside. He mostly slept and snuggled.
Yesterday we took it pretty easy. My sister, Caitlin had the day off and we all just snuggled, and played, and watched TV. Nick and I took him to Petsmart with us to do some exchanges and he got a new harness and carrier that actually fit him. He likes the new carrier so much better. He sat in the car with Nick while I went to get my blood drawn for my new job. Cosmo really loves the car. All of us went out to dinner and left him for about an hour and he did not like that. He pooped in his crate.
Cosmo struggled to go DOWN the stairs, not up at all. Today we got him to go down and now he's doing it with no problem.
None of us got much sleep for the yelping. He was better than the first night but he hated being on the floor. The second I pick him up, he goes right to sleep. I only pick him off if he's not whining and I ignore him if he's making noise. He slept most of the night on the bed. We got up and ate together. Then we had to run errands and he came too! Cosmo even made a trip to Spearfish, where I think he'll visit quite a bit since Nick lives there. He is a big hit everywhere he goes. I think he's getting more used to his carrier the more we use it. He had an actual solid poop outside today, two in fact!
He had his first vet visit today. He did so well that the vet commented on it. He is so healthy! We set up his PawPlan so we can get visits whenever. I love our animal clinic, they treat us so well. The doctor had to take his temperature up his butt and I have never seen a more surprised face! He did not appreciate it, but who would? He had no fever and the vet says his nose is runny because he's a little stressed and it might have something to do with the change in environment. I am so happy that he's healthy. Cosmo weighs 4.1 pounds! His hernia is fine, they will fix it when he gets neutered in 8 weeks. He has another round of shots due on the 27th. We don't know if his ears will go up but we hope so! We will love him even if they don't. Nick was at the appointment and I'm so glad he was and think Cosmo was too.
Cosmo took his first bath today as well. He didn't love the water but he tolerated it well. He smells a lot better too. We watched Singin' in the Rain while we bathed him. Nick helped and took very needed pictures!
He doesn't hump anyone but Claire, my 15 year old sister.
We are working on sitting and he's making good progress. I am excited to see how fast he learns this. He is so smart!
Everyone here is in love with him and I can't quite believe he's real and that this has really happened. I am so happy.
pretty darn sweet!