Monday, August 17, 2015

Puppy class

Cosmo and I had our first puppy class on  Saturday! It went really well! He played with a puppy named Oscar and they both loved it! After, we learned some clicker training techniques and it was great! Cosmo responded really well, and caught on really fast, I was very impressed. I loved training with him and he loved it too, I think. 

Yesterday, I noticed that Cosmo had a loose canine tooth on his right side. It was bloody and gross. Today, Claire and I both wiggled it and tried to get it out! While I was doing this, he lost it. I don't know where it went but I hope it didn't get swallowed, I wanted it! I'll keep my eyes open for it.

Cosmo had his first puppachino from Starbucks on Saturday as well! He LOVED it! He always eats the whipped cream off of my frap and this put a stop to it :)

We moved pretty much everything into my our new apartment! I love it. It's huge and cute and clean. Cosmo seemed to love it too! We are officially moving up in Saturday for good. I hope it doesn't stress the puppy out too much! 

I want nick to come home. He's in Florida and got delayed. :/

Cosmo met all my kids today at Robbinsdale Park! He does so well with them! 

I'm excited for class on Saturday! I'm not excited for my last day of work! It's going to be a fun day, but also sad... 

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

21 Weeks

Cosmo turned 21 weeks yesterday! That's only a week away from turning 5 months... I just can't believe it. 

We have our new apartment all settled and we are moving in on the sixteenth of this month! That's a little under two weeks away. I'm worried about his barking a little bit but hopefully these classes will help. I'm excited to start this new adventure with him. 

We have been so focused on bark training, we let "come, sit, and stay" training slack a little bit. We worked on it tonight for 30 minutes and he improved already! He's so smart! We have worked on "shake" and he just rolls over and over and then just wants a treat! What a dork!

Sunday, August 9, 2015


Cosmo has lost AT LEAST three teeth now! Auntie Claire finally found one! :) I just thought I'd let you know!
Cosmo's barking has not approved. I tried a spray bark collar but that ended up just costing me too much money and annoying us both! I signed us up for puppy classes for 6 weeks! Our trainer, Trisha, says that it should help the barking thing! I really hope so because it will annoy our roommates and our neighbors! Fingers crossed! He hasn't peed or pooped inside for a very long time. I am very proud about that! :) 

We move into our new apartment in a couple weeks! I hope Cosmo adjusts well. I want him to love it! 

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Loosing teeth

Cosmo has started loosing his front tooth! Yesterday, Saturday, I noticed his smile was different! He's missing two bottom front teeth! :) He's growing up way too fast! :')