Sunday, May 17, 2015

A Bump in the Road

No one said it was easy to have a puppy. Cosmo is doing so well in most areas! He sits without treats, he's learning to lay down and kennel, he comes (almost) every time he is called, he is doing better with his biting BUT, he is struggling with the potty training. He was doing so well the first few days but today he peed on the floor so many times! Like 7 or 8. I am starting to think that he will never stop! It's very hard not to get frustrated. I was reading up online and it's possible that he has a UTI. I start work tomorrow and might not be able to get him into the vet until the weekend. I blamed myself, I was cleaning most of the day and not paying enough attention to him or play time. After he peed for the 4th time or so, we played and played. Outside, inside. All over the place and every time I stopped, for a second, he would pee. Not a whole lot, just tiny little, dime sized puddle of pee. I'm afraid to leave him alone with Claire. If he's this bad when I 'm home, what is he going to be like when I'm not here! I'm more than a little worried about him. My stress level is kind of high right now. This sucks.

He's seven weeks old tomorrow! I really cannot believe how fast he's growing up. I didn't think I could ever love something this much. Cosmo is good at making me forgive him with one glance. It sucks.

On a side note, I am excited for work tomorrow!

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