Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Slight Change of Plan

So the original plan was to head right for Eureka, and stay for a few hours to get Cosmo used to us and to get things sorted with the breeder. Then we were going to drive for an hour to a small town called El Dorado and stay in a campground and get up early the next morning and come home. Today I was watching the news and saw a tornado had touched down fairly close to where Cosmo and his family live. That's when I realized that we were driving right into tornado alley during tornado season. It also has been so rainy there and it's expected to continue. So maybe staying in a tent isn't the best idea. We still haven't fully formulated a plan and that's scares me a little haha we will figure it out! I think we will leave a little earlier and Monday (mother's day) and then finding a place to sleep the next morning until we can meet with my breeder. 

I would appreciate good thoughts because Eureka is under a tornado watch. Send good thoughts to everyone in tornado alley for that matter. 

2 days!! :) Insane!

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