Sunday, May 31, 2015

Madi, Gigi, and Cosmo's Day of Fun

Cosmo had his second vet visit today! He was 4.1 pounds on his first visit, which was on the 13th. Today he weighed 6.4 pounds! I knew he was growing fast, but I wouldn't have guessed that it was that much! He really is so big! I don't know to document his growth except by telling you his weights as he grows. It's hard to take pictures that accurately show how much he's growing! I'll work on that.

He got his second round of shots and he is SUCH a wuss. He yelped like she was cutting his leg off. The needle was tiny. The vet said she has never seen a dog react that dramatically, which doesn't surprise me. I can't imagine how much of a baby he's going to be when he gets neutered. He's going to be whiny for months! I gave him his second Heart Guard treat that he loves. I also gave him his banana flavored booster of heart worms vaccination which he loved, once I got it into his mouth.

Cosmo has lost two of his top teeth and his new teeth are already coming in! He hasn't lost any of his front teeth on the top or bottom. I feel bad for him because I'm sure his gums hurt really bad. Mom feels the same way and bought him some gum soothing toys today!

Cosmo, mom, and I, went on so many errands today and Cosmo had fun! It pooped him out for sure but he loves the attention. We went to Menards and Scheels and Runnings. Menards had a sign that said "no dogs allowed" but I didn't actually notice until after we left. Oops. All of the employees LOVED him (who couldn't) and said nothing, so I guess it's fine. Same with Scheels, although I saw no sign there. We bought a kayak that I can't wait to take him out in! He might hate it. but he'll probably just go to sleep because he's a dork that way. Runnings allows pets so that was nice! I did notice that he's heavier than I remember. My right arm went dead toward the end. He is 6 pounds after all. Of course, being in the purse was not giving him enough attention, so I had to carry him. What a dork.

I had a really fun day with my mommy and my puppy. Cosmo does such a good job in public, I love taking him out. He didn't even bite most of the strangers that wanted to pet him. I'm so proud of him.

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